About Us

MEDITA is an authorized representative of Cooper Surgical Fertility Companies in Ukraine.

The CooperSurgical family of companies is comprised of global leaders in IVF and reproductive genetics, working together to provide innovative products and services for every step in the ART journey — Origio, Humagen, Sage, Research instrument, TPС, K-Systems, Wallace, and also genetic labs — Reprogenetics, Recombine і Genesis Genetic.

The MEDITA company was founded in 2008, is the "Industry Leader-2012" and "Industry Leader-2011" according to the National Business Rating (NBR); is recognized as the best distributor of Origio in 2013; according to the results of its activity is entered the top five distributors of Origio in 2011, 2012 and 2016 years.


Our main task — to ensure your clinic in order to you can:

  • have quality embryos and stable high implantation rate and pregnancy rate;
  • reduce media share in the cost of IVF cycle to 3% through process optimization and rational use of media;
  • minimize unproductive staff time;
  • use the most advanced techniques and products;
  • use the continuous training of specialists.


To meet these objectives, we can offer to your clinic:

I. The widest in Ukraine assortment of IVF products:

  • six (6!) different systems for culture;
  • two vitrification systems (with and without DMSO);
  • culture medium with and without indicator;
  • wide gradation packaging from 10 ml;
  • the widest range of micropipettes (Humagen i RI), catheters and aspiration needles (Origio i Wallace).


II. Unique methods and products:

  • the mature sperm selection technology for ICSI: HBA-PICSI Dishes and SpermSlow Media;
  • recombined human hyaluronidase -ICSI Cumulasa — for gentledenudation;
  • EmbryoGen-BlastGen — culture media with growth factor and hyaluronate;
  • Ultra-thin Pipette Slim for ICSI and much more.


III. Impeccable service:

  • a regular supply of media every 3 weeks, allowing not create significant reserves in your lab and always use media with full shelf life;
  • we are available 7/24 for urgent supplies;
  • storage system with the specially equipped system of temperature control;
  • system to ensure optimal conditions of and quality assurance in during the shipment;
  • warranty maintenance and post-guarantee system oversight.


IV. Constant improvement of the qualification for your specialists:

  • information and advice from leading experts in the world;
  • organization and participation in training, courses, thematic seminars in Ukraine and abroad;
  • organization and conducting of an audit of your laboratory.

We are always open to your suggestions.

With respect and best wishes,

The team of "MEDITA"